Sex robots are already here, but are they healthy for humans?

Sex robots are already here, but are they healthy for humans?

6 years ago
Anonymous $qrGo_Xv_Cm

To that end, sexbots often come packed with many lifelike features, which distinguish them from their much more primitive "sex doll" forebears.

For example, some sexbots offer customizable orifices—vaginal, anal—while others can respond to speech, exhibit eye-tracking capabilities or perform limited mobile functions.

Sex robots are already here, but are they healthy for humans?

Jun 5, 2018, 6:18pm UTC > To that end, sexbots often come packed with many lifelike features, which distinguish them from their much more primitive "sex doll" forebears. > For example, some sexbots offer customizable orifices—vaginal, anal—while others can respond to speech, exhibit eye-tracking capabilities or perform limited mobile functions.