Mauna Loa Photos and Video Show Sky on Fire as Lava Pours From Summit

Mauna Loa Photos and Video Show Sky on Fire as Lava Pours From Summit

a year ago
Anonymous $_PGtSJbg8h

As the Mauna Loa volcano continues to erupt, the night sky over Hawaii has turned an eerie orange.

In the hours since Mauna Loa, located on the island of Hawaii—also known as the Big Island—started erupting at around 11:30 p.m. Hawaiian Standard Time (HST) on Sunday, residents have posted pictures and videos of the sky being illuminated by the lava emerging from the volcano.

Mauna Loa Photos and Video Show Sky on Fire as Lava Pours From Summit

Nov 28, 2022, 4:45pm UTC > As the Mauna Loa volcano continues to erupt, the night sky over Hawaii has turned an eerie orange. > In the hours since Mauna Loa, located on the island of Hawaii—also known as the Big Island—started erupting at around 11:30 p.m. Hawaiian Standard Time (HST) on Sunday, residents have posted pictures and videos of the sky being illuminated by the lava emerging from the volcano.