Novel hydrogel harnesses air moisture for practical applications

Novel hydrogel harnesses air moisture for practical applications

6 years ago
Anonymous $CLwNLde341

"Singapore, like many tropical countries, experience high levels of relative humidity between 70 to 80 per cent. In a humid environment, the air is saturated with water and as a result, sweat on our body evaporates more slowly. This causes us to feel hotter than the actual ambient temperature, leading to great discomfort. Our novel hydrogel aims to achieve a cooling effect by removing moisture from ambient air very efficiently," said Assistant Professor Swee Ching TAN from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the NUS Faculty of Engineering, who led the research.

"This novel hydrogel performs at least eight times better than existing drying agents, such as silica gel and calcium chloride, in removing moisture from the air—it can absorb more water, works faster and uses less material. Unlike energy-intensive dehumidifying and air-conditioning systems, this hydrogel does not require electricity to operate. It can be easily coated onto walls, windows and even decorative items (such as a sculpture) to perform the dehumidifying function," Asst Prof Tan added.