Getting the most out of atmospheric data analysis

Getting the most out of atmospheric data analysis

5 years ago
Anonymous $ZPWJA6-QD2

"The conclusions reached using our analysis were found to agree with previous findings; however, the analysis was achieved without supervision and did not require a deep understanding of the physics," study coauthor Adam Foster says. "Previous studies have required field, lab, and theory work, so being able to get to where we have through data analysis is a very positive step for future studies."

The work showed that new particle formation was strongly correlated with water content and sulfuric acid concentration, as well as other factors such as temperature, relative humidity, condensation sink (how quickly molecules and small particles condense onto existing particles), and radiation.

Getting the most out of atmospheric data analysis

Oct 29, 2018, 1:49pm UTC > "The conclusions reached using our analysis were found to agree with previous findings; however, the analysis was achieved without supervision and did not require a deep understanding of the physics," study coauthor Adam Foster says. "Previous studies have required field, lab, and theory work, so being able to get to where we have through data analysis is a very positive step for future studies." > The work showed that new particle formation was strongly correlated with water content and sulfuric acid concentration, as well as other factors such as temperature, relative humidity, condensation sink (how quickly molecules and small particles condense onto existing particles), and radiation.