How to take 7 years to ship a beta

How to take 7 years to ship a beta

5 years ago
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It’s been almost 7 years since I quit my last job. Back in 2011 I was a freshly baked postgraduate in Melbourne. I was entering my 30's and the indie game renaissance was in full swing. When my contract ended I decided to leave academia and pursue my own path in game development. I then began working on a game called Moonman. Fast forward some long years and that game, now called MoonQuest, has just been released on Steam Early Access and itch.io.

So how can you take 7 years to make your game? Here are some important tips and tricks for taking your sweet time.

How to take 7 years to ship a beta

Jul 16, 2018, 1:47pm UTC
https://medium.com/@eigenbom/how-to-take-7-years-to-ship-a-beta-4fcfc2428d88 >It’s been almost 7 years since I quit my last job. Back in 2011 I was a freshly baked postgraduate in Melbourne. I was entering my 30's and the indie game renaissance was in full swing. When my contract ended I decided to leave academia and pursue my own path in game development. I then began working on a game called Moonman. Fast forward some long years and that game, now called MoonQuest, has just been released on Steam Early Access and itch.io. >So how can you take 7 years to make your game? Here are some important tips and tricks for taking your sweet time.