Google goes peacenik, chip wizardry and AI gets into art and drugs

Google goes peacenik, chip wizardry and AI gets into art and drugs

5 years ago
Anonymous $qrGo_Xv_Cm

While we've already covered a lot of AI stories this week a few slipped under the radar so, as is traditional, here's the roundup of some news you may have missed.

Google turns peacenik: Under fire for helping the US military use AI to better bomb people, Google has not only stepped away from that particular Pentagon contract but also this week released a set of seven principles for the development of AI.

Google goes peacenik, chip wizardry and AI gets into art and drugs

Jun 9, 2018, 2:21pm UTC > While we've already covered a lot of AI stories this week a few slipped under the radar so, as is traditional, here's the roundup of some news you may have missed. > Google turns peacenik: Under fire for helping the US military use AI to better bomb people, Google has not only stepped away from that particular Pentagon contract but also this week released a set of seven principles for the development of AI.