FBI Hoovered Up Two Years Of A Journalists' Phone And Email Records To Hunt Down A Leaker

FBI Hoovered Up Two Years Of A Journalists' Phone And Email Records To Hunt Down A Leaker

6 years ago
Anonymous $qrGo_Xv_Cm


The New York Times reports the FBI has crossed a line it's generally hesitant to cross. An investigation into classified info leaks by a Senate Intelligence Committee aide involved the seizure of two year's worth of a New York Times reporter's phone and email records.

The former aide, James A. Wolfe, 57, was charged with lying repeatedly to investigators about his contacts with three reporters. According to the authorities, Mr. Wolfe made false statements to the F.B.I. about providing two of them with sensitive information related to the committee’s work. He denied to investigators that he ever gave classified material to journalists, the indictment said.