What’s Virtual-Reality Marketing and why it’s named the Next Big Advertising Medium?

What’s Virtual-Reality Marketing and why it’s named the Next Big Advertising Medium?

6 years ago
Anonymous $2WKDXfy9lA


Marketing and advertising has moved from radio to TV, to computer, from Desktop to mobile in everyone’s pocket — each one a paradigm shift.

Many people arguing it to be wearable devices (e.g., smart watch), but I wouldn’t call the leap to wearable devices a paradigm shift as it’s not as significant as the way that desktop to mobile was. Wearable devices hold many of the same challenges for marketers that mobile does. Small screen, limited real estate, an intimate space; all the problems marketers used to be tackling for the past years, but amplified.

What’s Virtual-Reality Marketing and why it’s named the Next Big Advertising Medium?

Jun 4, 2018, 1:33pm UTC
https://medium.com/@ioiocreative/whats-virtual-reality-marketing-and-why-it-s-named-the-next-big-advertising-medium-11253ed14dbf > Marketing and advertising has moved from radio to TV, to computer, from Desktop to mobile in everyone’s pocket — each one a paradigm shift. > Many people arguing it to be wearable devices (e.g., smart watch), but I wouldn’t call the leap to wearable devices a paradigm shift as it’s not as significant as the way that desktop to mobile was. Wearable devices hold many of the same challenges for marketers that mobile does. Small screen, limited real estate, an intimate space; all the problems marketers used to be tackling for the past years, but amplified.