Apple Might Have Known About the iPhone 6 ‘Bendgate’ Problems Before They Started, Claims Leaked Documents

Apple Might Have Known About the iPhone 6 ‘Bendgate’ Problems Before They Started, Claims Leaked Documents

6 years ago
Anonymous $CLwNLde341

It is a known occurrence with Apple that it hardly ever admits the hardware mistakes it makes publicly. Usually, the company just takes care of the issues in the future versions of its hardware iterations. For instance, the iPhone 6s that followed after the iPhone 6 and later models were patched with 7000 series space-grade aluminum stop to prevent the phone from getting damaged.

Even though Apple remedied the issue, it never admitted publicly that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus had a problem with bending. Motherboard has revealed that internally, the company was re-engineering the hardware, just 18 months after the release of the phone.