Startups Have Started a Scooter Revolution. Can They Control It?

Startups Have Started a Scooter Revolution. Can They Control It?

6 years ago
Anonymous $CLwNLde341

Just after 7 a.m. on a recent weekday morning, Alexander Berg pulled his van — bright green, with the word “LimeBike” emblazoned on the side — over on a corner on the edge…

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Startups Have Started a Scooter Revolution. Can They Control It?

May 24, 2018, 8:18pm UTC > Just after 7 a.m. on a recent weekday morning, Alexander Berg pulled his van — bright green, with the word “LimeBike” emblazoned on the side — over on a corner on the edge… > Continue with FacebookContinue with GoogleMedium curates expert stories from leading publishers exclusively for members (with no ads!). Register for a free account to begin your member preview.