Wanted at Chinese start-ups: Attractive women to ease coders’ stress

Wanted at Chinese start-ups: Attractive women to ease coders’ stress

6 years ago
Anonymous $CLwNLde341


BEIJING — China’s vibrant technology scene is searching for people like Shen Yue. Qualifications: Must be attractive, know how to charm socially awkward programmers and give relaxing massages.

Ms. Shen is a “programmer motivator,” as they are known in China. Part psychologist, part cheerleader, the women are hired to chat up and calm stressed-out coders. The jobs are proliferating in a society that largely adheres to gender stereotypes and believes that male programmers are “zhai,” or nerds who have no social lives.

Wanted at Chinese start-ups: Attractive women to ease coders’ stress

Apr 25, 2018, 1:20pm UTC
https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/25/new-york-times-digital-wanted-at-chinese-start-ups-attractive-women-to-ease-codersa-stress.html >BEIJING — China’s vibrant technology scene is searching for people like Shen Yue. Qualifications: Must be attractive, know how to charm socially awkward programmers and give relaxing massages. >Ms. Shen is a “programmer motivator,” as they are known in China. Part psychologist, part cheerleader, the women are hired to chat up and calm stressed-out coders. The jobs are proliferating in a society that largely adheres to gender stereotypes and believes that male programmers are “zhai,” or nerds who have no social lives.