Netflix to have around 700 original movies and shows available in 2018

Netflix to have around 700 original movies and shows available in 2018

6 years ago
Anonymous $gcegwZ91io

Netflix’s original content ramp is showing no signs of slowing own – in fact, if anything, it’s speeding up. Netflix CFO David Wells says that the streaming company wants to have somewhere around 700 original shows and movies on the service in 2018, using that previously revealed budget of around $8 billion earmarked for original content.

Wells, speaking at Morgan Stanley’s tech, media and telecom event (via Variety) explained that the new shows and movies that Netflix is creating is doing its intended work – adding new subscribers to the platform. Since people continue to sign up on the back of new content, the company’s belief is that it should continue to produce it, through Wells also qualified that it’s still not solely committed to one approach or another when it comes to content acquisition.