Samsung Under Attack As LG, Sharp & Japan Display Gear Up To Wrest Away Apple’s OLED Orders; Supply To Vastly Exceed Demand Believe Sources

Samsung Under Attack As LG, Sharp & Japan Display Gear Up To Wrest Away Apple’s OLED Orders; Supply To Vastly Exceed Demand Believe Sources

6 years ago
Anonymous $1bh8zaeyQS

2017 was a fantastic year for Apple. The company finally returned to what it does best i.e. innovation at ludicrously high prices. For a while, since the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, Cupertino lost its edge in the smartphone world. While their boring design was attributed to a company mourning the loss of its iconic founder and CEO, subsequent launches didn’t improve either. To make matters worse, Apple dropped the ball with #bendgate as well. However, that’s all in the past and Apple’s back where it’s always been: at the top. Now, we’ve got more information for the company’s supply chain. Take a look below to find out more.

Apple’s had a tough year, or at least that’s what Cupertino would like us to believe. The company finally found some real ‘courage’ this year as it chose to launch the iPhone X with an OLED display. While this move might look spontaneous to average consumers, the truth is far from it. Apple had the device in the works for years, according to investment banking reports that yours truly has laid eyes on.