China is perfecting a new method for suppressing dissent on the internet

China is perfecting a new method for suppressing dissent on the internet

6 years ago

The art of suppressing dissent has been perfected over the years by authoritarian governments. For most of human history, the solution was simple: force. Punish people severely enough when they step out of line and you deter potential protesters.

But in the age of the internet and “fake news,” there are easier ways to tame dissent.

China is perfecting a new method for suppressing dissent on the internet

Aug 2, 2017, 10:38pm UTC >The art of suppressing dissent has been perfected over the years by authoritarian governments. For most of human history, the solution was simple: force. Punish people severely enough when they step out of line and you deter potential protesters. >But in the age of the internet and “fake news,” there are easier ways to tame dissent.