Why you shouldn’t update your LinkedIn

Why you shouldn’t update your LinkedIn

6 years ago
ian $zhYZjjXoTh


IF YOU’VE recently updated your LinkedIn profile, there’s a good chance your boss knows you might be looking for work elsewhere.

Their spy is hiQ, a San Franciso-based company which collects and analyses data from LinkedIn profiles to predict whether employees polishing their resumes are a “flight risk”.

hiQ is currently suing the professional networking site in a pre-emptive lawsuit to determine whether it is legal to hoover up publicly viewable information, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Why you shouldn’t update your LinkedIn

Aug 2, 2017, 1:28pm UTC
http://www.news.com.au/finance/work/careers/why-you-shouldnt-update-your-linkedin/news-story/21ce75ab846b31f832c56130b1975a41 >IF YOU’VE recently updated your LinkedIn profile, there’s a good chance your boss knows you might be looking for work elsewhere. >Their spy is hiQ, a San Franciso-based company which collects and analyses data from LinkedIn profiles to predict whether employees polishing their resumes are a “flight risk”. >hiQ is currently suing the professional networking site in a pre-emptive lawsuit to determine whether it is legal to hoover up publicly viewable information, The Wall Street Journal reported.