7 out of 10 young people would rather work for a start-up than an established company, finds a survey

7 out of 10 young people would rather work for a start-up than an established company, finds a survey

6 years ago
Anonymous $wKBR2uNMvM


When it comes to careers, young people around the world are lured by start-ups over established companies.

A global study conducted by media company 9gag and market research company GfK Global of more than 95,000 people aged 35 and under showed 71 percent of people would rather commit to a start-up opportunity for potentially many years rather than having a secure 9-5 job for three years.

7 out of 10 young people would rather work for a start-up than an established company, finds a survey

Oct 9, 2017, 3:22pm UTC
https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/09/gfk-survey-young-people-pick-start-ups-over-established-companies.html >When it comes to careers, young people around the world are lured by start-ups over established companies. >A global study conducted by media company 9gag and market research company GfK Global of more than 95,000 people aged 35 and under showed 71 percent of people would rather commit to a start-up opportunity for potentially many years rather than having a secure 9-5 job for three years.