Deepfake of principal's voice is the latest case of AI being used for harm

Deepfake of principal's voice is the latest case of AI being used for harm

a month ago
Anonymous $6hYC3Wwiad

The most recent criminal case involving artificial intelligence emerged last week from a Maryland high school, where police say a principal was framed as racist by a fake recording of his voice.

The case is yet another reason why everyone — not just politicians and celebrities — should be concerned about this increasingly powerful deep-fake technology, experts say.

Deepfake of principal's voice is the latest case of AI being used for harm

Mon Apr 29, 5:20pm UTC > The most recent criminal case involving artificial intelligence emerged last week from a Maryland high school, where police say a principal was framed as racist by a fake recording of his voice. > The case is yet another reason why everyone — not just politicians and celebrities — should be concerned about this increasingly powerful deep-fake technology, experts say.