If life is one giant computer simulation, God is a rubbish player | Dominik Diamond

If life is one giant computer simulation, God is a rubbish player | Dominik Diamond

2 months ago
Anonymous $6hYC3Wwiad


While religion doesn’t feature much in video games, I find the theory that we are all characters in a huge sim ever more believable – and appealing

It’s Easter weekend, when Catholics like me spend hours in church listening to the extended editor’s cut of a story whose ending we already know. Sitting there for the millionth performance of the Passion recently, I got to thinking about how few religious video game characters I’ve ever encountered. It’s interesting that in a world where so many people’s lives are dictated by religious beliefs, there is such a scarcity of religion in games. I mean, you could argue that all games are Jesus homages, with their respawns and extra lives, but even I admit that’s a stretch.