Visa and Mastercard Cut Ties With Pornhub’s Advertising Network

Visa and Mastercard Cut Ties With Pornhub’s Advertising Network

a year ago
Anonymous $33nAR-2OaA


On Thursday, Visa and Mastercard both announced that the payment processing giants would stop serving the main advertising network for Mindgeek’s sites, including Pornhub.

These announcements come after a U.S. district judge denied Visa’s attempt to remove itself as a defendant in a case that alleges the payment processor is culpable for harms done to minors on Pornhub. The plaintiff accuses Mindgeek and Visa of profiting from videos of her sexual abuse as a child that were uploaded to Pornhub by her then-boyfriend when she was 13 years old.

Visa and Mastercard Cut Ties With Pornhub’s Advertising Network

Aug 5, 2022, 4:19pm UTC
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/jgpp7d/visa-suspends-pornhub-advertising > On Thursday, Visa and Mastercard both announced that the payment processing giants would stop serving the main advertising network for Mindgeek’s sites, including Pornhub. > These announcements come after a U.S. district judge denied Visa’s attempt to remove itself as a defendant in a case that alleges the payment processor is culpable for harms done to minors on Pornhub. The plaintiff accuses Mindgeek and Visa of profiting from videos of her sexual abuse as a child that were uploaded to Pornhub by her then-boyfriend when she was 13 years old.