Max Q: Refresh

Max Q: Refresh

a year ago
Anonymous $33nAR-2OaA

Hello and welcome back to Max Q. Happy belated 10th birthday to the Mars Curiosity rover! We

Astra CEO Chris Kemp told investors Thursday that the company will be no longer launch payloads with its current lightweight vehicle, Rocket 3, and will instead remanifest all launches on a considerably larger rocket that’s still under development.

Max Q: Refresh

Aug 8, 2022, 10:16pm UTC > Hello and welcome back to Max Q. Happy belated 10th birthday to the Mars Curiosity rover! We > Astra CEO Chris Kemp told investors Thursday that the company will be no longer launch payloads with its current lightweight vehicle, Rocket 3, and will instead remanifest all launches on a considerably larger rocket that’s still under development.