Alex Jones Is Being Allowed to Make His Second Trial an On-Air Circus Too

Alex Jones Is Being Allowed to Make His Second Trial an On-Air Circus Too

a year ago
Anonymous $CIOZ56dzxX

Alex Jones arrived at his second Sandy Hook defamation trial on Tuesday morning just long enough to climb out of a car, flanked by security, and yell about how unfairly he’s been treated in court. Mashing his metaphors into a fine paste, Jones compared himself to a victim of China’s Cultural Revolution or perhaps something non-specific out of South Africa, said the trial against him is “a travesty” and a “murder of American justice,” and called the judge herself a “tyrant.” Jones continues to try to make a spectacle of his legal troubles, completely unchecked—and also keeps turning that inflammatory commentary into monetized content on Infowars. 

Jones is set to testify in the Connecticut trial, which, like the first one in Texas, is a damages trial to determine how much he owes a group of Sandy Hook families whom he defamed by calling the shooting that killed their loved ones a “hoax.” (Jones lost a series of Sandy Hook cases by default after judges in both states ruled that Infowars failed to respond meaningfully to discovery.) The bulk of Tuesday’s testimony was from Clint Watts, an expert witness for the plaintiffs, who testified about the mechanics of how Infowars stokes fear and anger to increase engagement.