Adaptability will shape the future of distributors

Adaptability will shape the future of distributors

a year ago
Anonymous $KxGqLmj_R3

From soaring energy prices to political and economic disruption, industries have been facing volatility around the globe. These back-to-back disruptions have catalysed or accelerated changes in every industry – some more drastically than others – which requires fast responses from distributors to adapt to change and react to supply chain issues, staff shortages and more.

But customers themselves are changing too, with demand for a more customisable service and lower costs, as 96% of consumers intend to adopt cost-saving behaviours in 2023, according to PwC’s Global Consumer survey. More and more original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are utilising digital channels and adopting cloud in wholesale distribution to drive process productivity and harness new opportunities through digital transformation to meet these customer demands