Supreme Court tosses ruling that said Trump blocking Twitter critics was unconstitutional

Supreme Court tosses ruling that said Trump blocking Twitter critics was unconstitutional

3 years ago
Anonymous $hYN7Hy7o7J

The Supreme Court has vacated a previous ruling that found former President Trump violated the First Amendment by blocking his Twitter foes.

The ruling was upheld by a Manhattan federal appeals court in 2019, which deemed Trump’s actions unconstitutional. The court found that because Trump used Twitter to “conduct official business” and interact with the public that his decision to block users ran afoul of the First Amendment.

Supreme Court tosses ruling that said Trump blocking Twitter critics was unconstitutional

Apr 5, 2021, 6:26pm UTC > The Supreme Court has vacated a previous ruling that found former President Trump violated the First Amendment by blocking his Twitter foes. > The ruling was upheld by a Manhattan federal appeals court in 2019, which deemed Trump’s actions unconstitutional. The court found that because Trump used Twitter to “conduct official business” and interact with the public that his decision to block users ran afoul of the First Amendment.