Time to get tough with 'bully' Facebook, UK lawmaker and publishers say

Time to get tough with 'bully' Facebook, UK lawmaker and publishers say

3 years ago
Anonymous $rH7oE7DjRg


Facebook's move to block all news content in Australia is an attempt to bully a democracy and will stiffen the resolve of legislators across the world to get tough with the tech giants, a senior British lawmaker said.

Time to get tough with 'bully' Facebook, UK lawmaker and publishers say

Feb 18, 2021, 5:14pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-australia-media-facebook-publishers/time-to-get-tough-with-bully-facebook-uk-lawmaker-and-publishers-say-idUSKBN2AI184 >Facebook's move to block all news content in Australia is an attempt to bully a democracy and will stiffen the resolve of legislators across the world to get tough with the tech giants, a senior British lawmaker said.