AI trained to read electric vehicle charging station reviews to find infrastructure gaps

AI trained to read electric vehicle charging station reviews to find infrastructure gaps

3 years ago
Anonymous $y15ULlV7sG


"We're spending billions of both public and private dollars on electric vehicle infrastructure," says Omar Asensio (@AsensioResearch), principal investigator and assistant professor in the School of Public Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology. "But we really don't have a good understanding of how well these investments are serving the public and public interest."

Electric vehicle drivers have started to solve the problem of uncertain charging infrastructure by forming communities on charge station locator apps, leaving reviews. The researchers sought to analyze these reviews to better understand the problems facing users.

AI trained to read electric vehicle charging station reviews to find infrastructure gaps

Jan 24, 2021, 10:30pm UTC
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/01/210122112328.htm > "We're spending billions of both public and private dollars on electric vehicle infrastructure," says Omar Asensio (@AsensioResearch), principal investigator and assistant professor in the School of Public Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology. "But we really don't have a good understanding of how well these investments are serving the public and public interest." > Electric vehicle drivers have started to solve the problem of uncertain charging infrastructure by forming communities on charge station locator apps, leaving reviews. The researchers sought to analyze these reviews to better understand the problems facing users.