Exclusive-Dutch forensic lab says it has decoded Tesla's driving data

Exclusive-Dutch forensic lab says it has decoded Tesla's driving data

2 years ago
Anonymous $BH0TGXkyPe


The Dutch government's forensic lab said on Thursday it had decrypted electric carmaker Tesla Inc's closely guarded driving data-storage system, uncovering a wealth of information that could be used to investigate serious accidents.

Exclusive-Dutch forensic lab says it has decoded Tesla's driving data

Oct 21, 2021, 2:34pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/autos-tesla-netherlands-data-exclusive/exclusive-dutch-forensic-lab-says-it-has-decoded-teslas-driving-data-idUSKBN2HB1D3 >The Dutch government's forensic lab said on Thursday it had decrypted electric carmaker Tesla Inc's closely guarded driving data-storage system, uncovering a wealth of information that could be used to investigate serious accidents.