Exclusive: Governments turn tables on ransomware gang REvil by pushing it offline -sources

Exclusive: Governments turn tables on ransomware gang REvil by pushing it offline -sources

2 years ago
Anonymous $BH0TGXkyPe


The ransomware group REvil was itself hacked and forced offline this week by a multi-country operation, according to three private sector cyber experts working with the United States and one former official.

Exclusive: Governments turn tables on ransomware gang REvil by pushing it offline -sources

Oct 21, 2021, 9:48pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-cyber-revil-exclusive/exclusive-governments-turn-tables-on-ransomware-gang-revil-by-pushing-it-offline-sources-idUSKBN2HB2J5 >The ransomware group REvil was itself hacked and forced offline this week by a multi-country operation, according to three private sector cyber experts working with the United States and one former official.