Tekion, the automotive retail platform headed by a former Tesla CIO, just tripled in value

Tekion, the automotive retail platform headed by a former Tesla CIO, just tripled in value

2 years ago
Anonymous $BH0TGXkyPe


A year ago, we told you about the opportunity that former Tesla CIO Jay Vijayan was chasing. His plan? To pull car dealers into the 21st century with a snazzy end-to-end automative SaaS platform like the one he helped develop inside Tesla. Customers could use it to order a car to their precise specifications; dealers could use it to see in real time to understand their inventory and seamlessly check in customers for service appointment; OEMs could use it to see exactly which of their parts were where, relative to said dealerships.

The list of ways the software would produce savings and improve efficiencies for both dealers and OEMs went on and on, as Vijayan explained it. Apparently, his San Carlos, Calif., company, Tekion, is gaining meaningful traction, too.