Whitmer vetoes bill to limit use of threat alert system

Whitmer vetoes bill to limit use of threat alert system

2 years ago
Anonymous $WHrWmjSJBZ


LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday vetoed a Republican-sponsored bill that would have restricted state officials' ability to use the Public Threat Alert System to announce new laws or executive orders.

The Democratic governor, whose veto had been expected, said the system has only been activated once in the five years since it was created, for an active-shooter situation. The state used a different, federal system last year to send alerts to wireless devices about Whitmer's stay-at-home and mask orders due to the coronavirus pandemic. That angered GOP lawmakers who said it should only be activated for “immediate” threats. That system would not have been affected by the state legislation.