500,000 Public Electric Vehicle Chargers Is the Wrong Goal

500,000 Public Electric Vehicle Chargers Is the Wrong Goal

2 years ago
Anonymous $drS9DEX_Sj


On Tuesday, the New York Times ran an article headlined "Biden’s Electric Car Plans Hinge on Having Enough Chargers." The article goes on to cite "energy and auto experts" who declare the U.S. needs at least five or 10 times as many public chargers as the 110,000 it currently has to achieve Biden's goal of 50 percent EV sales by 2030.

The article barely mentions at-home chargers, even though the one time it does reads: "Most drivers today plug in their electric cars at home, and only occasionally use public charging stations." Nevertheless, it immediately hand-waves away this critical fact and its implications with a dismissive "But those [public charging] stations will be crucial, especially to those who live in apartments and people who drive long distances."