26ft-Long Dinosaur Bigger Than a T-Rex With Blade-Like Teeth Discovered

26ft-Long Dinosaur Bigger Than a T-Rex With Blade-Like Teeth Discovered

2 years ago
Anonymous $drS9DEX_Sj


Researchers have helped identify a new prehistoric predator that dominated the infamous Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex) in terms of size. The dinosaur, which was five times the size of the T-Rex of the time, has been named Ulughbegasaurus and was identified from a fossilized jaw bone.

The creature lived 80 to 90 million years ago, right alongside the T-Rex, University of Calgary researchers, associate professor of paleontology Darla Zelenitsky, and Dr. Kohei Tanaka found. The fact that it was between 24.5 feet and 26 feet in length and weighed around 2000 pounds means that it would have been the Apex predator of that era of Earth's prehistory.