'Supporting Internet Explorer is hell': Web developers identify top needs – new survey

'Supporting Internet Explorer is hell': Web developers identify top needs – new survey

4 years ago
Anonymous $9ruWwTnhZq


Mozilla has released the first "Web DNA Report", in which devs identify their top needs in terms of web development - and browser compatibility is the biggest issue by far, especially when it comes to supporting our old friend Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Despite Mozilla's sponsorship, the new survey has cross-vendor support. The MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) Product Advisory Board includes members from Samsung, Bocoup, W3C, Google and Microsoft as well as Mozilla. A cohort of 28,000 developers and designers took part in the survey, with all partial responses disqualified. Participants were mainly either full stack or front end developers, according to their own description. Only 8.2 per cent of the respondents identified as women, which the authors say is "unfortunately a common problem with many developer surveys."