'So high': Tesla shares cross $420 mark over a year after Musk buyout tweet

'So high': Tesla shares cross $420 mark over a year after Musk buyout tweet

4 years ago
Anonymous $9ruWwTnhZq


Tesla Inc shares traded above $420 on Monday, more than a year after Elon Musk tweeted he had "funding secured" to take the electric car maker private at that price, only to later give up under investor pressure and regulatory concerns.

'So high': Tesla shares cross $420 mark over a year after Musk buyout tweet

Dec 23, 2019, 7:34pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tesla-stocks/so-high-tesla-shares-cross-420-mark-over-a-year-after-musk-buyout-tweet-idUSKBN1YR1VL >Tesla Inc shares traded above $420 on Monday, more than a year after Elon Musk tweeted he had "funding secured" to take the electric car maker private at that price, only to later give up under investor pressure and regulatory concerns.