UK Exit Polls Are Projecting a Large Conservative Victory

UK Exit Polls Are Projecting a Large Conservative Victory

4 years ago
Anonymous $4bURcB5AtU


UK exit polls are estimating that the British Conservative party is estimated to receive 368 seats, much higher than was required to secure a majority in the parliament and more seats than the polls were expecting with generous estimates expecting a pick-up of 30 seats but tempered expectations as polls narrowed this week leading up to the polls today. For the UK this will be the largest Conservative majority since 1987 and the era of Margaret Thatcher. Boris Johnson released a statement, "Thank you to everyone across our great country who voted, who volunteered, [and] who stood as candidates. We live in the greatest democracy in the world.”

The UK Labour Party is projected to lose 71 seats and were promising to nationalize the broadband internet network in the Island nation declaring that it was a right for everyone to have broadband among other priorities like safeguarding the NHS and promising large spending increases.  This will be the largest Labour loss since 1935. Labour’s response to the exit poll was, "It’s only the very beginning of the night, and it’s too early to call the result." They continued, "But Labour has changed the debate in British politics. We have put public ownership, a green industrial revolution, an end to austerity centre stage and introduced new ideas, such as plans for free broadband and free personal care. The Tories only offered more of the same."