Uber to allow audio recording of rides, aiming to launch feature in US

Uber to allow audio recording of rides, aiming to launch feature in US

4 years ago
Anonymous $xdcOWPpsb_


Company hopes to bolster its safety record with feature for riders and passengers, to appear first in Brazil and Mexico

Uber will allow passengers and drivers in Brazil and Mexico to record audio of their rides as it attempts to improve its safety record and image, and eventually it hopes to launch the feature into other markets including the United States.

Uber to allow audio recording of rides, aiming to launch feature in US

Nov 21, 2019, 10:27am UTC
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/nov/20/uber-record-rides-safety-brazil-mexico-us > Company hopes to bolster its safety record with feature for riders and passengers, to appear first in Brazil and Mexico > Uber will allow passengers and drivers in Brazil and Mexico to record audio of their rides as it attempts to improve its safety record and image, and eventually it hopes to launch the feature into other markets including the United States.