Gaming industry veteran on how the Store Wars will end

Gaming industry veteran on how the Store Wars will end

4 years ago
Anonymous $JavybBYWR5

The gaming industry suffered a schism earlier this year as multiple PC storefronts triggered the Store Wars, an escalating battle for exclusive games. Gamers were divided over the benefits of this, and the debate over it continues as more games come out as “exclusive” to a store. TNW got the chance to speak to Raph Koster, a legend in the industry, about the state of gaming.

Koster’s previous credits include Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies. Koster recently revealed he’s working on a new MMO that’ll capitalize on modern technology to create more immersive worlds. “We haven’t seen the fruition of true alternate worlds that you can escape to,” he told TNW. While in the course of asking him questions about this new venture — and him being appropriately tight-lipped considering the game is early in development — I decided to pick his brain a bit about the current climate in gaming.

Gaming industry veteran on how the Store Wars will end

Oct 19, 2019, 1:15am UTC > The gaming industry suffered a schism earlier this year as multiple PC storefronts triggered the Store Wars, an escalating battle for exclusive games. Gamers were divided over the benefits of this, and the debate over it continues as more games come out as “exclusive” to a store. TNW got the chance to speak to Raph Koster, a legend in the industry, about the state of gaming. > Koster’s previous credits include Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies. Koster recently revealed he’s working on a new MMO that’ll capitalize on modern technology to create more immersive worlds. “We haven’t seen the fruition of true alternate worlds that you can escape to,” he told TNW. While in the course of asking him questions about this new venture — and him being appropriately tight-lipped considering the game is early in development — I decided to pick his brain a bit about the current climate in gaming.