G20 agrees stablecoins give rise to 'serious' risks: press release

G20 agrees stablecoins give rise to 'serious' risks: press release

4 years ago
Anonymous $JavybBYWR5


Group of 20 finance leaders agreed that global stablecoins give rise to a set of "serious" public policy and regulatory risks, a press release from Japan, the group's chair, showed on Friday.

G20 agrees stablecoins give rise to 'serious' risks: press release

Oct 18, 2019, 6:29pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-imf-worldbank-g20-stablecoin/g20-agrees-stablecoins-give-rise-to-serious-risks-press-release-idUSKBN1WX2AH >Group of 20 finance leaders agreed that global stablecoins give rise to a set of "serious" public policy and regulatory risks, a press release from Japan, the group's chair, showed on Friday.