Vattenfall wins electric vehicle charging stations order from Norway's Tine

Vattenfall wins electric vehicle charging stations order from Norway's Tine

4 years ago
Anonymous $MUlyiGRWxa


Swedish power group Vattenfall has won an order from Norway's biggest dairy group Tine SA to run 200 charging stations for employees' and customers' electric vehicles.

Vattenfall wins electric vehicle charging stations order from Norway's Tine

Oct 6, 2019, 7:13am UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-vattenfall-ev/vattenfall-wins-electric-vehicle-charging-stations-order-from-norways-tine-idUSKCN1WL02L >Swedish power group Vattenfall has won an order from Norway's biggest dairy group Tine SA to run 200 charging stations for employees' and customers' electric vehicles.