Prepare for the Deepfake Era of Web Video

Prepare for the Deepfake Era of Web Video

4 years ago
Anonymous $MUlyiGRWxa

It has always been good advice to take what you see on the internet with a pinch of salt, but online video has lately become even less trustworthy. Deepfakes, clips altered or fabricated with an artificial intelligence technique called machine learning, make alternative realities easier to create and disseminate.

In the video above, Sam Gregory, a program director at nonprofit Witness, which promotes the use of video to defend human rights, tells WIRED that we should prepare to see a lot more deepfakes. Not all of them will be friendly—and there won’t immediately be a technical solution to identify and block them, as with spam email. “We’re going to get more and more of this content and it’s probably going to get of better quality,” Gregory says.

Prepare for the Deepfake Era of Web Video

Oct 6, 2019, 1:16pm UTC > It has always been good advice to take what you see on the internet with a pinch of salt, but online video has lately become even less trustworthy. Deepfakes, clips altered or fabricated with an artificial intelligence technique called machine learning, make alternative realities easier to create and disseminate. > In the video above, Sam Gregory, a program director at nonprofit Witness, which promotes the use of video to defend human rights, tells WIRED that we should prepare to see a lot more deepfakes. Not all of them will be friendly—and there won’t immediately be a technical solution to identify and block them, as with spam email. “We’re going to get more and more of this content and it’s probably going to get of better quality,” Gregory says.