Authors Take Copyright So Seriously They Hides Jokes In Their Copyright Notices

Authors Take Copyright So Seriously They Hides Jokes In Their Copyright Notices

4 years ago
Anonymous $9jpehmcKty

Were you to hear from the lobbying groups for the major book publishers on the topic of copyright, their answers are generally to push for longer terms, stricter anti-piracy measures, and the most draconian reading of copyright law possible. Groups like The Authors Guild have been firm in their stances that copyright is the only thing that keeps authors in any kind of business, so important is it to their livelihoods. One would think, therefore, that all authors of books would likewise take copyright very, very seriously.

Fortunately, for those of us that appreciate irreverent humor, not so much.

Authors Take Copyright So Seriously They Hides Jokes In Their Copyright Notices

Aug 2, 2019, 10:15pm UTC > Were you to hear from the lobbying groups for the major book publishers on the topic of copyright, their answers are generally to push for longer terms, stricter anti-piracy measures, and the most draconian reading of copyright law possible. Groups like The Authors Guild have been firm in their stances that copyright is the only thing that keeps authors in any kind of business, so important is it to their livelihoods. One would think, therefore, that all authors of books would likewise take copyright very, very seriously. > Fortunately, for those of us that appreciate irreverent humor, not so much.