Case Study: ‘How We Redesigned Our App’s UI in Only Three Months’

Case Study: ‘How We Redesigned Our App’s UI in Only Three Months’

5 years ago
Anonymous $9jpehmcKty

Dave FeldmanBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingMay 20Credit: HeapLet’s face it: The phrase “enterprise web app” doesn’t exactly conjure visions of usable, attractive software. Visual design isn’t often a priority; given finite resources and paying customers, the choice between the next big feature and improved aesthetics usually comes down in favor of the feature.

That’s true even at a company that values design like Heap, which offers behavioral analytics for websites and mobile apps, without your needing to know the data questions you want to ask before you launch. When I joined as VP of Design, it was with the recognition of design debt we knew we wouldn’t be able to fix on day one. Instead, I started a design debt backlog that we’d tackle over time and looked for opportunities where systemic progress could arise out of feature work.