Mueller report on Trump, Russia expected to be released Thursday

Mueller report on Trump, Russia expected to be released Thursday

5 years ago
Anonymous $9jpehmcKty

Mueller delivered his report to US Attorney General William Barr on March 22 following a nearly two-year investigation, including whether anyone tied to President Donald Trump's campaign cooperated with Russia to get him elected. Two days after receiving the 400-page report, Barr sent a four-page summary to Congress, concluding that Mueller's findings didn't show the Trump campaign conspired with Russia. 

Mueller's investigation, though, led to indictments of six of Trump's advisers, along with 26 Russian nationals, including some on charges of hacking. Indictments against 12 of the Russians were tied to malware that infected the servers of the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election campaign and that stole thousands of emails, which then were posted on WikiLeaks.