Disney/Lucasfilm donates $1.5 million to FIRST

Disney/Lucasfilm donates $1.5 million to FIRST

5 years ago
Anonymous $fWzGa1uP8i


A day after the big Episode IX reveal, Disney and subsidiary Lucas film announced that it will be donating $1.5 million to FIRST . The non-profit group was founded by Dean Kamen in 1989 to help teach STEM through initiatives like robotics competitions.

Disney’s money will go to provide education and outreach to the underserved communities on which FIRST focuses. Details are pretty thin on precisely what the partnership will entail, but Disney’s certainly got a lot to gain from this sort of outreach — and Lucasfilm knows a thing or two about robots.

Disney/Lucasfilm donates $1.5 million to FIRST

Apr 13, 2019, 6:19pm UTC
https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/13/disney-lucasfilm-donates-1-5-million-to-first/ > A day after the big Episode IX reveal, Disney and subsidiary Lucas film announced that it will be donating $1.5 million to FIRST . The non-profit group was founded by Dean Kamen in 1989 to help teach STEM through initiatives like robotics competitions. > Disney’s money will go to provide education and outreach to the underserved communities on which FIRST focuses. Details are pretty thin on precisely what the partnership will entail, but Disney’s certainly got a lot to gain from this sort of outreach — and Lucasfilm knows a thing or two about robots.