A Case for not Regulating the Development of Artificial Intelligence

A Case for not Regulating the Development of Artificial Intelligence

5 years ago
Anonymous $syBn1NGQOq


What comes to mind when you hear the term artificial intelligence? The Terminator? HAL from Space Odyssey? The robotic lieutenant AUTO in Wall-E? Or the death of Elain Herzberg, who was killed by Uber’s self-driving car in Arizona¹?

Regardless of what immediately pops into your mind, popular culture has portrayed artificial intelligence as the antagonist in many future apocalyptic films, instilling a sense of fear and a cloud of mystery over the true capabilities of artificial intelligence–in many ways, this is reminiscent of the public’s fear of sharks, which was forever changed by the production of Jaws. With all the uneasiness surrounding artificial intelligence, regulators are starting to pay attention, albeit slowly, and beginning to address the concerns of the people.