No, The Resignation Of NYT Editor James Bennet Does Not Mean American Newsrooms Have 'Turned Into College Campuses'

No, The Resignation Of NYT Editor James Bennet Does Not Mean American Newsrooms Have 'Turned Into College Campuses'

4 years ago
Anonymous $-9GJQVHNr8


On Friday we wrote about the uproar regarding the terrible op-ed piece by Senator Tom Cotton in the New York Times, calling for the use of the US military against protesters in the US. There was widespread anger against the decision to run the op-ed, and then a backlash from some who argued that this showed the people complaining about it were somehow "unwilling to listen" to viewpoints they disagreed with. In my piece, I argued that if the NY Times didn't publish my op-ed on why the Opinions Editor James Bennet was an incompetent dweeb, then clearly, they hated free speech and were unwilling to confront difficult ideas.

Over the weekend, the news came down that Bennet had resigned, leading to a new round of hand-wringing from people who want to appear to be among the Serious Thinkers™, fretting that American newsrooms were "becoming college campuses" full of "safe spaces" and "political correctness."

No, The Resignation Of NYT Editor James Bennet Does Not Mean American Newsrooms Have 'Turned Into College Campuses'

Jun 9, 2020, 5:46pm UTC
https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20200608/17363644669/no-resignation-nyt-editor-james-bennet-does-not-mean-american-newsrooms-have-turned-into-college-campuses.shtml > On Friday we wrote about the uproar regarding the terrible op-ed piece by Senator Tom Cotton in the New York Times, calling for the use of the US military against protesters in the US. There was widespread anger against the decision to run the op-ed, and then a backlash from some who argued that this showed the people complaining about it were somehow "unwilling to listen" to viewpoints they disagreed with. In my piece, I argued that if the NY Times didn't publish my op-ed on why the Opinions Editor James Bennet was an incompetent dweeb, then clearly, they hated free speech and were unwilling to confront difficult ideas. > Over the weekend, the news came down that Bennet had resigned, leading to a new round of hand-wringing from people who want to appear to be among the Serious Thinkers™, fretting that American newsrooms were "becoming college campuses" full of "safe spaces" and "political correctness."