Decrypted: DEA spying on protesters, DDoS attacks, Signal downloads spike

Decrypted: DEA spying on protesters, DDoS attacks, Signal downloads spike

3 years ago
Anonymous $-9GJQVHNr8

This week saw protests spread across the world sparked by the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis last month.

The U.S. hasn’t seen protests like this in a generation, with millions taking to the streets each day to lend their voice and support. But they were met with heavily armored police, drones watching from above, and “covert” surveillance by the federal government.

Decrypted: DEA spying on protesters, DDoS attacks, Signal downloads spike

Jun 9, 2020, 6:14pm UTC > This week saw protests spread across the world sparked by the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis last month. > The U.S. hasn’t seen protests like this in a generation, with millions taking to the streets each day to lend their voice and support. But they were met with heavily armored police, drones watching from above, and “covert” surveillance by the federal government.