Xiaomi to roll out new e-commerce service in India to boost sales during lockdown

Xiaomi to roll out new e-commerce service in India to boost sales during lockdown

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf


Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi Corp said on Monday it will launch an e-commerce service in India this week to enable customers stuck at home during a nationwide lockdown to buy its products from their local retailer.

Xiaomi to roll out new e-commerce service in India to boost sales during lockdown

May 4, 2020, 3:24pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-xiaomi-india/xiaomi-to-roll-out-new-e-commerce-service-in-india-to-boost-sales-during-lockdown-idUSKBN22G1UP >Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi Corp said on Monday it will launch an e-commerce service in India this week to enable customers stuck at home during a nationwide lockdown to buy its products from their local retailer.