Personal details of 10.6m MGM hotel guests revealed by hackers, report says

Personal details of 10.6m MGM hotel guests revealed by hackers, report says

4 years ago
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Personal details of more than 10.6 million former guests of MGM Resorts hotels, including Justin Bieber and Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey, were posted on an online hacking forum this week, according to a new report.

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Personal details of 10.6m MGM hotel guests revealed by hackers, report says

Feb 20, 2020, 9:15am UTC > Personal details of more than 10.6 million former guests of MGM Resorts hotels, including Justin Bieber and Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey, were posted on an online hacking forum this week, according to a new report. > Related: Julian Assange: Australian MPs call on UK to block US extradition