AMD Confirms 7nm Navi Refresh & 7nm+ Next-Gen Navi GPU Based Radeon RX Graphics Cards in 2020

AMD Confirms 7nm Navi Refresh & 7nm+ Next-Gen Navi GPU Based Radeon RX Graphics Cards in 2020

4 years ago
Anonymous $-riAjkQg_1

During its FY 2019 earnings call, AMD confirmed that they will debut both, 7nm Navi Refresh and 7nm+ Next-Gen Navi GPU based Radeon RX graphics cards in 2020. The graphics cards will aim the gaming market and would disrupt the graphics market similar to how AMD's Ryzen CPUs disrupted the processor segment.

There have been several confirmations of a high-end, enthusiast-grade Radeon RX graphics card which would be based upon the next-generation Navi architecture but it looks like we now know that AMD would not only introduce their next-generation 7nm+ RDNA graphics cards in 2020 but would also refresh their existing lineup based on the current Navi architecture.

AMD Confirms 7nm Navi Refresh & 7nm+ Next-Gen Navi GPU Based Radeon RX Graphics Cards in 2020

Jan 29, 2020, 7:21am UTC > During its FY 2019 earnings call, AMD confirmed that they will debut both, 7nm Navi Refresh and 7nm+ Next-Gen Navi GPU based Radeon RX graphics cards in 2020. The graphics cards will aim the gaming market and would disrupt the graphics market similar to how AMD's Ryzen CPUs disrupted the processor segment. > There have been several confirmations of a high-end, enthusiast-grade Radeon RX graphics card which would be based upon the next-generation Navi architecture but it looks like we now know that AMD would not only introduce their next-generation 7nm+ RDNA graphics cards in 2020 but would also refresh their existing lineup based on the current Navi architecture.