YouTube Takes Down Live Stream Over Copyright Claim...Before Stream Even Starts

YouTube Takes Down Live Stream Over Copyright Claim...Before Stream Even Starts

4 years ago
Anonymous $-riAjkQg_1


It seems that the concern over how YouTube is handling its platform when it comes to enforcing copyright claims is reaching something of a fever pitch. Hell, in just the last couple of weeks we've seen a YouTuber have his videos demonitized over copyright claims to the numbers "36" and "50", rampant abuse of ContentID even as the EU edges closer to making that platform a requirement through Article 17, and wider concerns about YouTube's inability to enforce moderation at scale in a way that makes even a modicum of sense. The point is that it's becoming all the more clear that YouTube's efforts at content moderation and copyright enforcement on its site are becoming a nightmare.

And perhaps there is no better version of that nightmare than when one YouTube streamer found his live stream taken down when Warner Bros. claimed copyright on it... before that live stream had even begun. Matt Binder hosts the political podcast "DOOMED with Matt Binder." He also livestreams the show on YouTube. The night of the last Democratic Presidential debate, he scheduled a livestream to discuss the debate with a guest.